Listing #  1470239

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Floor Plan

 Trailer Information:
Year:   2025 Make:   Platinum Model:   Coach 4h 16 swall w slide reverse load
Price:   $199,500 Location:   Columbus,  TX    


 4 Pull Type:   G LQ:   Yes

Stock #:

Description:   >2017- Trailers Unlimited - Celebrating 21 years in business
4horse 16 shortwall Reverse Load Platinum Coach. T
Trailer Specs:
4 horse
16 short wall
8 wide
7.6 tall
reverse load
HYDRAULIC arm slide w/ manual override(you don't want an electric slide that equals PROBLEMS)
8000lb axles
17.5 tires and Alcoa aluminum wheels
white skin
6ft haypod and generator compartment on roof
50/50 rear doors
drops on head
drop down window bars on head
drops on rump
propane brackets
3 mangers w/ 3 manger doors
escape door at last horse
Ac braces
2 brush trays rear tack
lots of bridle hooks
8 swing out blanket bars
solid full width rear tack
carpet on wall in rear tack
3 LED load lights
porch light
extra high turn signals
spring loaded side ramp extended for ease of loading and unloading
stud divider on last stall w rubber on both sides
flow thru dividers
slider 15x18 windos in slideout and 24x36 window in slideout
24x36 slider
two way roof vents
living quarter door and walk thru door to horse compartment
fold up step by lq door
4 drop down window bars on head side
dual hydraulic jacks
stainless nose
79" slideout
pro cushion flooring in the horse compartment
Interior Specs:
faux leather look on walls in interior
solid faux leather ceiling
custom wood cabinets
2 ducted A/C's
ducted furnace
sink in kitchen and bath
custom sink in bath
real leather on backs of couch/dinette and around slideout
custom leather on slideout trim, BEAUTIFUL
microwave/convection oven
6 ft sofa/sleeper
faux hardwood floors
custom cabinet knobs
wainscoat trim throughout
2 TV w/ DVD/VCR player
BLACKOUT day/night shades
satellite tv w/ receivers
LARGE closets in bathroom
lots of storage
6.0 electric/propane refrigerator
custom cabinets
dual propane
vanity in bath w/ wrap around counter
seperate shower
bath vent in bath
pocket door in bath
custom temperpedic type mattress in nose
wall sconces by couchBR>Onan 7.0 Generator
stereo with inside/outside speakers
dual hydraulic jacks with manual override
flip up counter in kitchen
full length mirror in bath
2 step electric awning
custom headboard in nose
privay wall in nose
and other options
trailer coming in will not have the backsplash at this price
retail is $
Financing available
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Contact Info:   
Name:    Kelly or Tommy
Phone:   979-732-8686
Toll Free:  
Cell Phone:  
Fax:   979-732-8693